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Shimamoto T., Taki T., Kumaki A., Motohashi A., Tamatani H., Oshima G., Tanaka J., Yamamoto T. (accpeted) Reproductive

   health from hair: validation and utility of hair progesterone analysis in the Asian black bear, Ursus thibetanus.

   Journal of Zoology.

Takahata Y., Uchida K., Kutsukake N., Shimamoto T., Asari Y., Terai Y. (accepted) Urbanisation has impacted the

   population genetic structure of the Eurasian red squirrel in Japan within a short period of 30 years.

   Conservation Genetics.

Hata A., Inoue A., Nakajima Y., Uno H., Naganuma T., Shimamoto T. (accpeted) Growth pattern and turnover of stable isotopes

   in the hair of sika deer (Cervus nippon). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.

嶌本 樹・古荘寿奈 (受理) 神奈川県におけるクリハラリスの年間の繫殖状況と繁殖個体の特徴について.保全生態学研究.



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